Hi people I'm looking for people to play ps3 Minecraft with?

I'm 13 and hav a mic. I don't care what age or gender you are.
PSN ID: TerminatorDEAD11

I HATE minecraft but I have a friebd that his name is reynaldo and he play mine craft for PS3 but the problem is that I forget his PSN ID I will ask him tomorrow and I will say you ok.

Okay this is defiantly not an answer, but a statement.

In fact this is addressed directly to your parents, so go get them to read this. This is not for your eyes, but for theirs.

Mate seriously… Go get them and go away.

Thank you.

Dear parents of this child.
I'm here to inform you that not only has your child failed in seeking friends his own age through his personal life, but is now requesting friends through a social answering site. I also wish to request that you take away his mic and dispose of it until a time in which he hits puberty. Also I have very sad news to tell you, I'm not quite sure how to say this. Just take a seat, it is very hard and I can tell someone will faint… Your son likes minecraft. I know I was almost in tears too. I beg of you to take him outside and put him down like the sad mutt he is.