I'm looking for some minecraft vanilla servers preferably with not many people because it's not that fun if too many people are cause it's laggy and all the mines and resources are already taken xp I like to play with few people and have fun c: also i like to play really late at night so 24/7 servers would be great too.
Small minecraft vanilla servers? (less than 15 people)?
Why not get one of those web servers where you can create a server of your liking and it will be hosted on a network computer that you and your friends can join. There are some that you can put a player cap to fit your needs.
however most of the GOOD ones do cost money and some cheap ones still need you to install stuff to your pc and since you said you can't run servers on your computer i gonna assume that you have a laptop with low ram, a pc full of unwanted apps that drain your CPU, or a mac. (i don't likie macs)
none of your friends can host a server for you that you can join? And even if they did do they have port forwarding so that you can join a server without installingl something you don't want on your computer?
why don't you ask someone to host it for you and then give you OP rights if you don't want to pay money or have your friends do it i mean heck there are some pretty nice people who will host servers for people like you. And all you gotta do is ask.
sorry if i didn't help. And best of luck.