Port forwarding problem for Minecraft?

I was making a server for minecraft but decided to make a bukkit server instead. I recycled/deleted the old server and everything in it and had my friend help me make a bukkit one. Whenever I try to open run.bat a warning message comes up saying "Can't assign requested address JUM_Bind
Perhaps a server is already running on that port. My friend told me to try different five numbers instead of 25565 I think it was, for the default minecraft and that didn't work either. On the server properties I changed the server ip to mc.tfk.net so I don't know if that has to do with it or not.

Server-ip= has to point to an IP address "on the server" (but it is best to leave that blank to bind to ANY IP on the server, rather than wrong IP). I'm guessing that mc.tfk.net resolves to your public IP address, which is not an IP "on" your server and the reason minecraft can't bind to it.

if you leave server-ip= blank it should work whether you access the server as localhost or from MC client on same computer, as your LAN IP from another computer on your LAN, or as your public IP from the internet if your port forwarding is correct.