How do you get an FREE alt account in minecraft?

Okay since i'm a moderator on a popular server, i don't have the time to go afk cause i need to help everyone. So i need an free alt account just so i can stand still afk at some spawners.

Why can't i log into my minecraft server anymore?

I have been using the server mineheroes for years but all of a sudden i can't log in anymore; it says can't connect. I tried deleting it and retyping the ip(i made sure it was correct) and my friend can still get on it. I have done everything i could possibly think of to try and get it to work again.

Where do i learn Java for minecraft?

I have some great ideas for some Minecraft plugins that i want to incorporate into my server (its pretty boring as of now and i don't just want to copy other peoples plugins that makes me feel kind of stupid). Also on a side note how do good map makers learn all those complicated commands for their map? I've tried googling around and can't turn up anything at all.

Opening my Minecraft server to friends but I need help changing IP to domain?

I registered the domain I wanted today and so far icon connect from my computer by putting localhost as the IP. I port forwarded my server and allowed it through the firewall aswell. I can't connect using my domain thing or my ipv4. How can I let people connect using the domain instead if in of my IPs