Need a quality gaming desktop that I can run Minecraft servers on?

I bought a Windows 8 Desktop two Christmases ago (Dec. 2012) to specifically run Minecraft servers on. It was an expensive desktop, and there are many port issues!

I've spent a drastic year trying to fix these issues, and I just give up. I need a new desktop. Please help me if:

1) You know about running port-forwarded Minecraft servers/knowledgable regarding ports and routers
2) You have knowledge about many desktops (and their aspects, too)

Here is a list of requirements I'm looking for. I will mention if what I ask for is optional.
1) Quality Gaming computer that can maintain high performance for long hours of gaming
2) Computer w/ lots of Ram
3) Desktop
4) All in one desktop (optional)
5) Not an old generation piece of hardware
6) Have an "HDMI IN" hole on the monitor/all in one.
7) A reasonable amount of space

**Not looking to pay over $1,000. Please try to list desktops under that range. A little over $1,000 is alright, too.

A HUGE thanks to anyone who helps me out!

Try looking into alienware computers, i have one of their desktop computers and it runs amazingly, it will be in the higher end of your price range but definatley worth it

ASUS M51AC-US018S=$1,170

Dell XPS 8700 X8700=$1,199.99

Acer Predator AG3-605-UR37=$949.99

Also do note that by building your own pc you will get a bigger bang for your buck.

Why not build your own Desktop? You could build a great desktop around that price range