Minecraft how do I get nicknames in the death chat?

I have a bukkit Minecraft server. When I use /nick [nickname], It shows the nickname as my chat name, as it should. But I want it to display the nickname when they kill or die, too. So

[Player'sNickName] was slain by Zombie
instead of:
[Player'sRealUsername] was slain by Zombie

Help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Added (1). I do have the essentials plugin

have you installed essentails plugin? Sometimes you need essentials for some commands to work propable

Hmm… I don't know I've never seen a server have it so that the nicks would show up when you die. I actually liked it because then you wouldn't have to type in /realname all the time xD (er… Whatever the command is.) Why exactly do you want it to not show up?