I've recently bought a new computer with Windows 8. The problem is that it seems like the Windows 8 creates problems with java or just the Big Dig/Minecraft server. When I run it for more like 20 minutes I get the blue screen of death. I've tried running the same server on my dekstop computer (with Windows 8 as well), the EXACT same problem occurred. Then I got frustrated and ran it on my old Windows 7 laptop, and it ran PERFECTLY (except it's the worst computer and kept lagging and could only use like 1400 M memory.
Added (1). Details from Nirfoft's BlueScreenView:
020314-36609-01.dmp03/02/2014 15:59:42MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS… 16:01:11
Added (2). I've just read about this. And I found out that HAMACHI makes me crash, and NOT Java!