Minecraft Framerate Lag on Gaming PC?

Any reason that I get such low frames? On singleplayer, I can about 130 MAX which I expected a lot more for how much money I spent. On a multiplayer server, I get about 20 which is what I got on my laptop with a AMD A10 APU. Even when I turn all the settings down, I only goes up about 10 frames There can be a reason that my laptop matches my PC's performance. I haven't had the money to buy any big games yet because I just bought this.

Also, yes I have installed all the drivers and I have the latest java.

AMD FX-6300
Asus M5 A97
8GB DDR3 Ram
Asus 7790 2GB
550 Watt PSU

Added (1). This is a brand new build, got it the day after Christmas

Maybe you have too many processes running at a time. Clear out some of the running applications & processes that you don't need while playing and it should speed it up a lot. I don't have a gaming laptop, but minecraft still runs pretty smooth for me since I keep my computer pretty clean.

Try cleaning the procesor fan from dust it can cause many disorders on your pc if it is dirty and try reduce processes running on the desktop it may slowdown the game