How to use a domain for my Minecraft server on Linux?

I'm using ddclient for my system but I wanted to find out how to use a domain for other people to connect to the server rather than my ip address?

Buy a domain using any domain service such as Godaddy or or (FREE). Once you pick the domain service, you need to figure out how to point your domain to an ip, email/live chat staff over their and they will tell you exactly how to do it. It shouldn't cost ya more than $15 a year. Http:// is free and allows you to have a domain instead you should be able to enter your ip directly into the area asking for your doamin.

You will need to subscribe to a static IP address with your ISP, as all addresses are dynamic and can change at any time. They charge extra for this. Many of them will also require you to subscribe to a business broadband service first. This costs typically 4 to 5 times the price of home broadband. You then register a domain name and set the domain registrar's DNS A, CNAME and PTR records to point to your static IP. Be aware that as soon as your register a domain it becomes public and will become a serious target for hacker attack scripts. I see scripts running up to 2000 attacks per hour on public web server log files, and sometines up to 3 or 4 times a day from different scripts. So make suure tour server is secure.

NO NO NO you do not need to buy a domain.

NO NO NO You do not need a static ip address.

Go to Get a FREE redirect. This means a free domain name that will point to you, even when your ISP changes your IP address.

That is how I've been running my minecraft server for a year so, and it works great. I don't have a static IP, I did not buy a domain. I did not spend a penny.