Reason why Minecraft at this point some sort of disliked activity?

Reason why Minecraft at this point some sort of disliked activity?


I never tried it, but actually the program is quite dated now, so I guess people have moved on to other games.
Personally I found the whole way of moving for the avatars quite unappealing. I thought so even when the game was considered advanced and cutting edge all those years ago.

There are several reasons.

1. Over saturation. A version of Minecraft now exists on any device modern enough to run it. Youtube videos are filled with it. There are hundreds of live channels on Twitch.

2. Age. Minecraft has been out for a while. Most of those like it are already playing it, making most of the recent opinions of it more negative because the people who like it have long submitted their opinions.

3. It popular. The more popular you are the larger a target you are for people who hate you. And Minecraft is very popular.

And there are more, similar issues, such as it changing owners and 'purists' not being happy with what Microsoft has done with the program since.

Very antiquated looking and just plain depressingly dark.

It is ****