Video & Online Gaming: Does Hello Games's No Man's Sky have the Destiny to fail?

Hyped on the graphics, massive scale and endless sandbox elements. There's little way Hello Games's No Man's Sky could fail, but lets take the rose tinted glasses off for a moment and realize the major flaws in No Man's Sky.
- Most Sony's PlayStation 4 Exclusives hype on beautiful Graphics over Content
- The Massive Scale & Sandbox Element doesn't equal purpose or a long shelf life [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Minecraft, etc had little purpose outside of "Explore" the sandbox world]

The fact that Hello Games's No Man's Sky has been hyped as "The Game Changer" [Much like Bungie & Activision's Destiny] and "The Best Game In The World" [Much like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bungie & Activision's Destiny] leaves nothing but a Destiny of No Man's Sky to fail horrible much like Bungie & Activision's Destiny, Bethesda Softworks's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Mojang's Minecraft. Hello Games's No Man's Sky much like Killzone Shadow Fall, Infamous Second Son, The Order 1886 & Until Dawn will be pretty to look on the surface but with the depth of a kiddie pool.

To find the answer to that you would have to look at the company itself and see how they respond to situations like that because a good company doesn't displease their customers.

Anyone who's been a gamer for more than a few years should know by now to take hype with a giant grain of salt.

I can't tell you how many times a game appears on the horizon making a bunch of claims about how it's going to turn the gaming world on its head and yet when the game actually arrives, we're lucky if it's just "OK".

In many ways the hype about No Man's Sky is justified as there really isn't anything like it. Whether or not that translates into an interesting experience remains to be seen. I mean how many planets with random colored plants and water can you explore before it just gets boring?

I'm sure lots of people will download the game to try it out but the real test of the concept will be how many are still playing after 1 month? 3 months? 6 months?