Funny Minecraft Fail Story?

So, here is my biggest mine-craft fail ever! So my friend is new at thew game, and i ask him to go adventuring with me. (I want to find a village and desert temple.) So we're looking to find one, and we find a Desert Biome this is the biggest one i have ever seen! So we light are path with torches when suddenly my fire alarm goes off, My mom made pizza and it burned. My dog started to howl, so i went AFK For a sec and while that all happened my friend ran off! Just placing torches everywhere! So when i come back he's gone and we're lost in the biggest desert Biome i have ever seen. Now its been about 2 hours and i finally found him, But we're still lost. He had zig-zagged torches everywhere… But then we found the Desert temple and Village! I Gather up all the loot and we found are Way back! And just when we thought everything was fine… BAM! I fall down a hole and die! So i'm pretty much freaking out since we had now spent Three hours doing this Now. So i tell him to gather up my stuff and follow the torches home. And so he does. Think it could get any worse? Yes! He comes back with none of things… None of the Diamonds, Books, and My enchanted and amazing pick! He says sorry i forgive him Yada, Yada, Yada… And then you know what just Blows up the Ending? (Pun intended) A Creeper comes up and blows up the front of our house… Yep! UGHH! So do you have any other Minecraft fails? Tell me one. (I'm done…) :(!

I went a did a tutorial online for a Victorian Mansion.
Huge build! Took me a-long time. A very long time. Finished it, and then made a village around it.
Made my fireplace the way it should be made. Took every precaution, read every book, etc, to make a proper fireplace, have had no problems for a while.

Went off to another part of my kingdom where I'm making a port city.
Came back and somehow my fireplace caught everything on fire and burnt down over half of town.
Most have destroyed some creepers too, who blew up and caused giant holes across the landscape.
I wasn't happy.

Another time on my old computer I had a very large world going. Some of my best work was there, amazing contraptions and designs.
My cousin wanted to play… So I gave her a plot of land and said "build here only"!
She wandered off into the wild. Far into the wild, and I was never able to find my world again.