Ok so here is what I own, RE Revelations, Diablo 3 UEE, Destiny, Brutal Legend, FFX & X-2 remaster, SMT Nocture, DA Inquisition, Borderlands TP and Minecraft. Here's What I've played beat and/or liked(not including the ones above). Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Fallout 3-4, Dead Space 1-3, Mass Effect 1-3, all Silent Hills, all Resident Evils, All Final Fantasy's, Dead Island 1 and Riptide. Dead Rising 1-2. All Borderlands games, all Dragon Ages, Infamous 1, Red Dead Redemption, Just Cause 2, Gta V, Saints Row IV. Persona 3-4. Disgaea 4, all Dynasty Warriors, Warriors Orochi 1-3, Samurai warriors 1-3. Fatal Frame 2, Condemned 1-2, Until Dawn, Twisted Metal, Assassin's Creed 1-4, and Farcry 2-4. Here's what hooks me into games 1(Flashiness(I mean the SFX are mindblowing. 2: The Ability to make one's character unique. No 2 are alike type thing. 3: World Customization… Nuff said, PC games like Ark SE are good examples 4)story… Only a semi-descent plot is necessary, but games like Mass Effect are top of the line in my book. To further narrow it down by genre, Horror and Fantasy Rpg Tie for 1st, general Rpg and J is number 3. Everything is jumbled up lower on the scale. I apologize for being so picky but it is driving me crazy. If anyone can it would be appreciated, plus disc games would be preferable but I won't turn down Psn downloaded games if that's all that fits the bill. And yes I'm picky, character limit wouldn't even let me be specific, sorry.
Thanks ahead of time… X
Added (1). *No 2 characters are alike, not No.2 are alike in case anyone gets confused
Added (2). Since I didn't list it earlier, Sports and Racing games are at the bottom of my list for absolutely will not play. And realism is something I rarely like, for example I disliked Tomb Raider, but still like AC.