A list of stones and rocks that you mine for in the Minecraft game?

For Christmas my little brother told me he wants an Obsidian stone, a Lapis stone, and a Amethyst Stone, because he saw them on Minecraft. I was wondering if there are any other stones that I could surprise him with that you fin in the game?

Coal ore
Iron ore
Gold ore
Lapis Lazuli
Emerald ore
Diamond ore

Amethyst stone doesn't exist in the regular minecraft, it's a modded minecraft so if you want to get that stone you'll have to mod your minecraft.

Things that you can "mine" for include: (in order of rarity)
Cobblestone (which appears when you mine stone)
Stone (which you can only get in inventory by smelting cobblestone or using a specially enchanted tool)
Iron Ore
Gold Ore
Red Stone (which has no real world equivalent)(You can fake it with red sand though, especially red sand that can glow in the dark.)
Lapis Lazuli
Obsidian (this isn't actually rare, but the minimum pick needed makes it hard to acquire)

Material that occurs underground, but is technically "dug" instead of mined:

Note that Stone (which drops as cobblestone) can be dug up with your bare hands as well, making it a possible "dug" instead of "mined" but pickaxes break it faster than shovels.

There are other materials as well, but most of the stuff in the Neither has no real-world equivalent, so you should probably skip that.

Amethyst isn't in the base game, but is in quite a number of different mods. Other common mod materials include: Copper, Tin, Aluminum, Lead, Silver, Sapphire, and Ruby.