How to get started on Minecraft?

I've just started playing, made a house out of dirt, managed to get a few resources and make a crafting table and furnace. Made some charcoal for torches as well. I never managed to get wool to make a bed though so I kept spawning away from my house and never found it again. Also I was running out of health and no food on my bar but can never find any pigs or anything to kill:@

Has anyone got any tips?

I'm playing ps3 version btw

Your going to want all your tools made out of stone so they are stronger against mobs. Try creating a farm for food by breaking grass for seeds. You can make wool from 4 string that you can obtain from spiders or cobwebs.

Make your house where you spawn instead of running away so when you die you'll spawn on the same chunk as it. Also play the PC version instead because the PS3 version is horribly outdated in comparison

First thing is you want to find sheep, eventually when you find diamonds you are going to want to build a nether portal and attempt to explore the nether, and last thing would be to find the stronghold for which you need 12 eyes of ender to go into the end and kill the ender dragon (end game).

As for not being able to find your house you could either explore for ages or build a better one?

Try exploring more of the world, you will come across new things and learn new crafts.

psn: o-ChrisUK-o