How to get started on Youtube? (Minecraft channel)?

I started a minecraft movie Youtube channel with my friends and recently uploaded our first video. I'd just like to know the methods and tips to advertising and slowly building up a stable base to the channel, increasing views and subscribers.

I have tried advertising it on other videos to no use (I wasn't disliked, just ignored. ) and we have created a Twitter account.

We know the basic tips like adding lots of tags, catchy title and description, etc but we'd like some info that we couldn't easily find in a 1 min Google search.

Does anyone have previous experience and tips to how they started themselves?

Here is the channel is you're curious:

This is Incredibly Simple to do, and I can be more than glad to help you!
First things first, you're going to want to connect your account so that you can create a custom url and montesize videos.
On your video, there should be a little button that says "video manager."
click on that and it'll bring you to all of the uploaded videos on your channel.
Next, you're going to click the "Channel Settings button in the left hand corner where it says "Dashboard."
Click on Features
It'll show different ways to do custom thumbnails, certain links, advertizing your videos, and so on.
If you haven't already, enable that.
It's simple after that!

I started off very slow, and I mean SUPER slow.
The first 3 months, I had probably 10 subscribers at the most.
Gradually, I've earned lots more than I thought I would. I'm 11 away from 100 subscribers!
Here is how I earned that many (i've been running my youtube account for 5 months now).
I went onto google plus (it's directed into your account), and joined a community with lots of people who enjoy what I do! I share my videos on it, and I've made some nice friends on there who help me publicize my channel. I also created a twitter and istagram for my channel!
Hope this helps!