The reason you're dropping so many frames is because SSP runs its own internal server. You can get around this by running a local server. (This doesn't require port-forwarding!)
Your first step will be to get a server JAR. You can run any jar you want, it doesn't really matter. Put the files in their own folder.
Secondly, run the server until all the files are created. You can stop it after this.
Open "". Under "server-ip", change whatever's after the equals sign to "localhost". (That's case-sensitive.) If you want to, grab your SSP world and drop it into the server's folder. Under "level-name", change it to the name of your world. (Again, this is case-sensitive.)
Launch the server, open Minecraft, and connect to "localhost". You should be standing in your world where you left off with a lot less lag.
Not only will this reduce your server lag, it will also allow you to use Bukkit plugins in single-player.
For the least lag, I would run Spigot. It doesn't take up as much memory as other server JARs and it's identical to Bukkit. You can get the files here:
Hope this helps.