Alright, so I'm a huge fan of the genres listed above (obviously). The problem is that I have played so many of them that I can't think of any others. Metro, Elder scrolls, STALKER, DayZ, Assassin's Creed, GTA, FTL, Minecraft (along with FTB and Tekkit), Dishonored, Far Cry, Just Cause, Fallout, Contagion, ArmA, and L4D are most of the series' I can think of right now. I need my desire for open world games to be quenched, and preferably not with older games. I'm going to get Thief and Star Citizen, too. On a side note, I don't really want to play Rust, Saints Row, or 7D2D as well as Starbound as they are too similar to other games I have played.
More open-world or post-apocalyptic games to play?
Infamous 2
infamous second son
the last of us
the witcher 2
kingdom of amalur: reckoning
sleeping dogs