What has happened to my Minecraft?

Okay, I so logged into Minecraft and found that the whole world looked like this:

It is not the texture pack as I have tried using several different ones and it does the same thing. Also, while Minecraft is running, the icon in the task bar is not the normal crafting bench, but it is this:

I have a few mods installed, and when I run a version without mods, Minecraft works fine. I have not changed any of the mods at all and they have all been working perfectly and I have not changed anything!
Someone help!

Added (1). UPDATE: Okay, I have since found out that the logo in the taskbar is the logo for the Lightweight Java Game Library. Any idea why Minecraft is now displaying this and why it is breaking my Minecraft?

It is probably the mods or the mod loder. Try Forge or (if you have forge) try some different mods for a while and if it works then it must be the mods. I hope this helps, because I have had mod trouble before a well.

If the forge or modloader doesn't work, try mcpatcher or try and see if maybe you installed the texturepack incorrectly