Minecraft Wii U: Is there a way to get Mods for my game?

Hi, When I played Minecraft on my Wii U, one of my friends told me I should consider downloading the Witchery Mod for my game so I may have some fun with it not be bored everday with looking up tutorials and so we can see what is in this Mod and tackle it together. We get really bored with looking for fun things to do. So is there anyway that I can get this Mod and put it onto my Wii U as I want to explore what is in it? I don't mind if I have to get it from PC as I know someone from where I work who can help me with getting it with no trouble and I also have a range of USB sticks and SD card handy. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Buy them?

You can't mod the Wii U version of Minecraft.