Is it possible to buy a Minecraft disc for Wii or Wii you and if so where? - 1
Is it possible to buy a Minecraft disc for Wii or Wii you and if so where?
witty5 03.01.2016
Wii: no. Minecraft was never released for the Wii.
Wii U: no, but you can buy it digially via eShop for $30.
llaffer 04.01.2016
Minecraft was never released for the Wii in any format, and while it was released digitally earlier this month on the Wii U, Mojang claims that a physical Wii U release is coming at some point in the future.
StlCardsFan63 04.01.2016
At this time, Minecraft is available only as a digital release in the Wii U eShop for ~$30 US (or country equivalence).
There's currently no physical version of the game at this time, but it is being considered (nothing officially announced beyond "in the future" from a Mojang employee tweet). However, I wouldn't hold your breath for any definitive announcement in the near future.
TStodden 04.01.2016
No it is an online only release
Nirav 04.01.2016