Minecraft mod expert tell me the best mods for new items and ores?

I have a server with my girlfriend, and we only have Orespawn mod. I also know about the space mod that also adds more items and ores. Is there any other mods like these to expand the world of minecraft with interesting ores and items (survival) but are high quality and balanced so i can add them all together in my Orespawn Mod server?

Also if i add new mods in my server, will my previous work be deleted? Because i have alot of items and i don't want to start from the beginning, But if it happens its ok i guess, at least i will start again with amazing stuff.

You could try out my mod?


Its still in development though.

There's also mods that add power into the game like

Thermal Expansion
Industrial Craft 2
Applied Energiestics

Then there's these mods that add new items and ores.

Open Blocks
Blood Magic
Thinkers Constuct
Twilight Forest
MFFS - Modular Force Field System
Dimensional Doors
Morph Mod - Morph into any mob
Starwars mod
Battlegear2 - I don't think this one likes other mods just play this mod alone, its big.

If you add mods to your server some mods will work fine but some need to edit the world, you can get around it by just going into uncharted territory (unloaded chunks) and then the ore generation will work fine, but its best to backup before adding mods to your server and also i think a new world might work alot better than adding mods (from previous experience).

There are lots. Some pre-assembled modpacks have more than a hundred mods adding things to them.

For straight up Ores, you want Metallurgy 3. It adds 43+ ores, plus alloys, plus things to make with those ores.

Also consider Tinker's Construct that adds customizable tools, new ores, and new alloys to go with them.

Better Dungeons adds a bunch of new survival features. No new ores, but lots of items things. Of course about 90% of those items are guarded, so they are quite balanced.


You won't necessarily need to start a new world, however you won't find any of the new ores in already generated land. You will have to move far enough away from land you have explored to get new chunks to generate. Those might contain your new materials.