Minecraft Forge won't load?

When I open the game I click start (profile-Forge) and the game will never boot up. I have tried reinstallings mods, reinstalling forge and checking updates, I have tried reinstalling minecraft and the folders. It just won't load. I checked to make sure that I was on 1.7.10 because that's what all my mods are and I did that on both profiles (but with Forge the forge one with forge 1.7.20-XXXX or whatever) I can't figure it out and I have tried searching. I did update my graphics driver too, but nothing loads… This is the installer I used: forge-1.7.10- from http://files.minecraftforge.net/...forge.net/

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Added (1). Oh and I have windows Vista…

Added (2). Some people say it has something to do with this argument needing to be inserted, where in the code line does it go: -Dforge.forceNoStencil=true

I have downloaded forge before, you did use the 'client' one right? If so, run the forge program first before putting any mods in, the mods may screw up forge. If you clicked the right folder to put forge into and put it on client. There should be no need to insert a code line.

I have the same problem and i don't know how to stop that