I think I've found herobrine?

I and my friend (taylor) was playing minecraft for the playstation and taylor was far away from me in a desert looking for cactus, while I was in the house and I was looking down and getting something from a chest. And then I looked up and saw herobrine( he looked just like herobrine) and I thought it was taylor and I said hi, and then I stared at him fir a while and he stared at me, soon he disappeared, and taylor said " who are you talking to" and then taylor said," holy s--t, omg" and I said what and taylor said that it was herobrine and I said.so that wasn't you and taylor said no! After a while he continued to show up and nobody else was on and if we got separated then he would show up.(after the following happened)
· Taylor turned around and saw him 3 times
·I was running around our house and saw him on the front steps staring at me
· He was on our roof and when we moved, he moved
And a lot more happened and I wanted to ask if he was real
( not that this isn't fake, and its on survival, and no mods were on and nobody else was on)

Either you are pranking us or your friend was pranking you.

People have pulled the code of Minecraft apart, there's no Herobrine in the code. The back-story of Herobrine has been solidly disproved. The original story of Herobrine is that it is Notch's brother captured in the game… Notch does not have, nor ever had, a brother.

There are mods that add something like Herobrine to the game, but he does *NOT* exist in the basic game.