Anyone think i found an area near a creeper spawner thingy in minecraft?

I was mining and i saw a creeper so i kinda backed off and he blew up and dropped half my hearts. Then about 10 seconds later there was another one in the same spot and it killed me. When I went back to get my stuff there was another one in the same place but this time i quick made a little enclosed area and carefully mined arround him (i was around lava) and on my way out i ran into another creeper… So does anyone think i could find a creeper spawner? If so can it be destroyed? Can i dissable it with torches? (i'm new to minecraft and my house is made of dirt and my first few nights i had no bed)

Added (1). btw i play on xbox360

They probably naturally spawned. If there's one specific spot they are coming from, you might have a spawner but if they come from all around, then it's probably a natural spawn.

There are no creeper spawner blocks