How to change minecraft health bar?

Ok so i have my world and i want to change the heath bar to the hardcore health bar dose anyone know how i can do that
and please do not say get a mod or make a new hardcore world thanks

""ok so i have my world and i want to change the heath bar to the hardcore health bar dose anyone know how i can do that
and please do not say get a mod or make a new hardcore world thanks""

Sorry, it turns out your a noob. You need to make a hardcore world.
you can't have hardcore health in a survival world.

but you obviously want to keep your stuff,

just get tmi and save your stuff and create a new world.

Byee hope i helped

Well 2 things

1. If you want to have the look of the hardcore health bar then you will have to edit the sprite in the game files, there are many videos of how to make a resource pack, and change the look of your health bar.

2. If you want to be in hardcore mode but don't want to change your world you will have to download this program. It works for the newest version of minecraft, i tried it.

Link to program:

Sorry man, you'll need to create a new Hardcore world. I know you don't want to hear this, but its the only way. You can use TooManyItems to spawn in your old inventory so that you'll be good as new. Also man, work on your grammar. No offense, but its the grammar of a 9 year old.