Do my videos fall under fair use?

Okay, so my YouTube channel ( is slowly becoming more popular (I get about one to two subscribers per day), and I was wondering if, in the future, I would be able to become a partner as long as I keep doing videos the same way. Here are some of the videos I do:
1. I'm currently doing a weekly show using (my own) footage from the Smash Bros 3DS Demo, but with me voicing over the game (The battles are not cut, but besides that you only hear my scripted moments).
2. I do Minecraft mod showcases (about every week, I just took a brake) mainly just showing updates on my own mod I'm working on.
3. I upload Minecraft animations, where the only thing that would probably hold me back is the royalty free music (I mainly use Kevin Macleod's music, which he said is okay as long as he is credited).
4. I have an intro I use for my animations, which normally includes music from another artist that isn't Kevin Macleod, but still royalty free and I give links and credit.

You don't have to watch the channel, I was just wondering if my channel meets the requirements.

Added (1). About number 3, he did not specifically say this to me, but rather I downloaded a custom licence from his website:

Well when you click the link, it says the channel does not exist, so apparently not (Just kidding, you probably pasted the link wrong). But to answer your question, you normally have to apply for a partnership, and each one varies in requirements. Normally it requires a fairly big amount of active subscribers and videos.