Custom youtube background?

Me and a friend are starting a gaming channel as we play multiple games for entertainment for us (and others perhaps?)
But a lot of channels out there have custom profile pictures and backgrounds that look really neat. But seeing how I'm terrible at art there's no way I can do the artwork myself and i'm just wondering if there's an alternative way.

Games we play often:
- Terraria
- Minecraft
- Garry's Mod
- The Hidden
And maybe more in the future.

Like the youtube cover art? I like to use pic monkey it's free. You can make like a logo or something using pictures off the internet and stuff if you want. You could get a picture of a mine craft zombie or something and like write your channel name in block letters in front of it.

Now personally I used this website to make my banner:

Also I'm curious about what your channel is, and if you ever fancy collaborating with another youtuber i'm open to it, as well as i know another couple of channels what would be interested.