Computer Performance Issues?

I'm getting strange performance issues on some game. My graphics card, GeForce GTX 760, will suggest certain settings for a game based on my PC specs, and usually they are pretty high settings. However, on some games, i can only run the game at like 7 fps for no reason, changing the settings on these games has no effect on the fps. I can't figure out why i can't play these games, because GeForce Excperience, the application my graphics card came with, will suggest high settings for these games but i still can't play them even if i lower the settings. And I'm able to play much more demanding games on high settings perfectly fine. Also, i have looked these games up on, and I more than meet the recommended specs.

Games i can't play (i get around 7 fps) include:
Minecraft (i have no mods)
AC4 (this game came with my graphics card)
Battlefield 3
Bioshock 2

Games i can play perfectly fine include:
Mass Effect 3
Payday 2
Planetside 2

Any ideas as to why this is?

I suggest you to reinstall whole window after cleaning or scanning with a good antimalware/antivirus software

A shot in the dark, have you installed the latest nVidia drivers and/or firmware? I would check on nVidia's site/forums for possible resolutions/others experiencing the same thing.

CPU matters too… And ram speed, timing, timing methods, etc… But you haven't listed any of that. You could also have picked up a bad card; it happens… Despite what fanboys from AMD and Nvidia will tell you.

Just to add - we need the other specs. Have you blown it out (dust) ? Also, you don't have it on some kind of power mgmt settings do you?

What kind of PSU? The more info you provide, the better the answers