Computer performance degrading after being taken apart

A year ago, I got a gaming laptop in order to play Minecraft and other games with better fps. Two months ago, I broke a key off of my keyboard (I tried to glue it back on like an idiot.) We brought it into a computer repair shop and they took it apart and ordered a new keyboard from the laptop manufacturer. Two weeks later, they put it back together with the new keyboard. Up until I got my laptop fixed, I would get 200 fps on Minecraft and good performance on all other games. After they took it apart and fixed it, I only get about 20-60 fps on Minecraft, and I frequently lag on other games. I have used AdvancedSystemCare to clean up registry, defrag files, ect, I updated all of my drivers, I scanned by computer for viruses, I have an external fan pad running under the computer to make sure it isn't overheating, and I even have a 4GB flash drive being used as virtual memory, and I still get bad performance on my games. Its ridiculous, I feel like I'm recovering a almost broken computer, but my computer is near brand new. This leads me to believe they could've accidently messed something up when putting my laptop back together. My questions:

1. Does computer/laptop performance usually degrade after you take it apart and put it back together?

2. Do you think my computer performance has gone down because or a hardware problem?

3. What should I do to fix this? Any suggestions?
-Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @2.4 GHz
Windows 8
Manufacturer is ASUS

I would suggest going back to that repair shop with the computer and explain to them what you told us here. They may just need to change a setting or something simple like that. I wouldn't think that changing the keyboard would have had any adverse affect on the gaming speeds, but there may be something they missed.