I double and triple check the seed I'm typing in. Most of the time it loads a completely different map without any of the promised villages or structures. But these seeds work for other people. As far as I can tell I can't find any specifications for the map that I need to change. Any ideas or suggestions?
For example I can't get MaudDib or Birtches. Both of which have multiple villages of which don't exist when I try it.
Minecraft seeds not working?
Most likely your version is different.
I'm using version 1.8 and I typed in birtches All lower case, chose Large Biomes, and while I have located 3 villages and a desert temple fairly close to my spawn point (right outside one village) my world looks nothing like the videos you find about the seed. Check what version the seed was showcased in to see if that is your issue, and try lower case and large biome option, as many people have stated those fixed their issues. One person suggested all capital letters but I've not tried that.
When minecraft updates the code is slightly changed, and new things are added. The seed generating system had to add these new things which Changes what we held in that seed, so after every update you usually have to restart every map that was from a seed.