Minecraft 1.7.2 Not Enough Items Mod not working?

Ok, I had this same problem when I was trying to install it on 1.6.4, but I can't remember how I fixed it. I installed NEI correctly and installed CodeChickenCore with it. When I load up my Minecraft, neither mods show up on the mods list, and they won't activate in game. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, used a mod installer, everything, and I can't get it to work. I tried to install Waila and I got a message saying that NEI wasn't installed. All that I can guess is that Minecraft simply isn't detecting the mods, which is odd, as CCC and NEI are the only mods it ever has this problem with on my computer. Any suggestions?

And yes, I deleted the META-INF files.

Have you tried putting the mods in the mod folder? To my knowledge, you shouldn't have to install the mods in the minecraft.jar folder anymore. It's almost as easy as installing a resource pack.
If you ARE putting the mods in the mod folder, then try creating a new profile on the launcher. I'm sure there are many tutorials on YouTube that'll help with this problem.

Yes, I did put them in the mods folder. To my knowledge, that has been the general form of mod installation since 1.6.4. And I HAVE tried making new profiles, it doesn't work. I know my way around Minecraft for the most part, though I have no knowledge of coding. Like I said, it just is not detecting the mods for some reason, and they are the ONLY two it's not picking up. Everything else works fine. And I have searched all of YouTube, I've searched forums, I Can't find the answer to the problem.

Sorry if I appear snappy, I've been awake for almost 24 hours and have been at this for the majority of said time.