Minecraft: Need to build a minecart chest system which will make each cart leave as it becomes full?

I'm really struggling with this can anybody help? Either schematic or a video. Unless you feel you can explain it accurately through words.

I don't think there's anything that will detect whether a chest is full.
The best I can suggest is a system that sends a cart next to a hopper leading off from a chest. If the power to that rail were delayed there'd be enough time for the chest to fill the cart through the hopper, but there's isn;t a system that can make sure the chest is full.

Minecraft rails are not that advanced to be able to detect if something is full, you could make a delay either with repeaters or making a minecraft clock to send a delayed pulse to the powered rail. Although if you really want a working cart system I highly recommend installing the Steve's Carts mod, not only do you get cool things like engines and drills it also has advanced rail systems so you can activate it when the chest has so many items in or when full/empty.