Minecraft is the best game ever do you agree?

Minecraft is the best game ever do you agree? - 1

Disagree it's boring

Nope Minecraft sucks. Its all in block piece and i hate it. Graphics in Minecraft r just junk.

Nah, I find it boring.

Yap i agree it is the best its so awesome and so fun!

For some it is and for some it is not. Personally, I disagree with this one.

For those who find it boring, you can always mod it.

Minecraft rocks

I never tried it

Agree both me and my nephew have designed a city with air ports and built planes in it out of blocks. The game is so cheap and more than well worth it's money. Plus you can get it for most systems available or PC. Great game great game.

I love it, I just constantly build massive cities (survival mode ofc)

Yes I know Minecraft is the best!