Does anyone agree with my list of things we want in GTA 5?

1. Ability to switch cities- I would like a new city installment in grand theft auto 6, but what rock star could do to spice things up is making the ability to go to the airport and switch from Vice city, and a new made up city, and another new made up city. It would 1 city from the previous games, and 2 new made up ones, I would really like some new open worlds, and atleast one city from the past.

2. Multiple main characters-I would really like them to return multiple main characters like they did in grand theft auto 5, it helps spice the story, missions and free roam up way more, I think instead of 3 made up characters, they should do 5 made up characters! And being able to switch from them whenever you want! I would be highly disappointed with rock star if they don't bring back this feature!

3. House purchasing and customization- I really like how they did house customization in the second Saints row game, it just made the game way more fun and creative, I would love it if they gave us the ability to buy the house and customize however you want! They would set it up kind of like minecraft to where you can hire builders or build it yourself and customize where you want your tv, your couch, your bed, what kind of floor and walls you want! What kind of stove, bed, tv, couch, and phone you want! You could hire the builder to make a 2nd floor depending on how much cash you have! You can invite guests over to your house to hang out, you can invite girlfriends over!

4. More realistic cops- I would like the cops to quit having such big superpowers! I would like it if say I shot someone in a dark alley, I would like it to where the cops only come if a witness calls them, you do it in a public area and someone hears shots fired, and you do it in front of a cop, I would also like them to be forceful and hard to fight because that makes the game fun and realistic.

5. Ability to have a career- I would like rockstar to make gta 6 more fun by simulating real life! By signing up for a job, and having to show up at a certain time of the day and complete the task and get money for it! If miss the job a certain number of times you will be fired from the job and can't apply again for a certain number of days, I would also like the ability to quit the job whenever we want.

6. Ability to do heists anytime- I hated how heists in gta 5 weren't available whenever you wanted, I would like rockstar to execute the heists like Payday 2 had them but more in depth, like the player gets to choose what costumes to wear, what bank to rob, how to go in, what weapons to use, you can rob armored trucks, banks, jewelry stores, that's what kind of heists should be in gta 5!

7. Offline split screen- I would love it if rockstar could put in a split screen option where you and your buddy right next to you can have the time of your lives free roaming and playing story mode!

8. Girlfriends- gta 4 had girlfriends that could be hung out with, but gta 5 didn't. I would like it if in gta 6 you can find a girl of your interest on the web, at a store, and hang out with her, and go in depth of the relationship.

9. Bigger decisions- I love how rockstar gives the player to choose what choice to make, I would like gta 6 to be full of that, like how in fallout you could choose what to say in a conversation, I want them to do that in gta 6! And what you say depends on how the story goes down!

10. Online to be better- I would like them to make gta 6 online more social, like you can play the story in online co-op, and play online multiplayer, kind of like in call of duty.

11. Ability to be fat, skinny or muscly- I loved takin carl to the gym in san andreas and making him buff, I hated how they didn't bring it back in gta 5, but it should be brought back in gta 6.

12. More side sports- They took a lot in gta 5, and we need it all back, I would like tennis, darts, pool, basketball, yoga, bowling, etc, and the ability to play with a friend on it.

13. Drugs- this sounds weird but I would like the ability to buy drugs in gta 6 and take them and see weird stuff like aliens, cars with faces, the world shakes, and everybody talks all squeaky, basically I would like to trip on drugs in gta 6.

14. More side activities- Like being a cop, swat, taxi, firefighter, base jumper, fight club, cards, betting, tow truck, hitman assinations, bike riding, strip club body guard.

15. Ability to go on the computer- I would like the ability to go on the web and surf like in gta 4 but more sites to visit.

16. Television- I would love if we had more channels to watch on Gta 5, comedy, scary, romance.

Added (1). I meant gta 6 guys!

I just want to be able to play GTA V