Looking for a laptop to play browser games and maybe some games that require installation?

I have a chromebook that I never should of bought because I can't play any games on it. I bought it for school and now that I graduated, I no longer need it. I want a laptop to play games like Runescape, Minecraft and maybe some games that require to be installed like games on Steam. I'm looking to spend $400 max and size can be 13-15'. If anyone knows a good laptop that fits my details, I would appericate it.

There are many laptops you can choose from to play games as much as you want in stores and online as well. For instances my Leeveno and Toshiba allows me to play games. But be aware the laptop will start to go slow because of all the java scripts you need for runescape. How do I know? I use to play battlefield, runescape, guns, habbo and many other games. This in fact slowed my laptop down. Hope I helped xD

I recommend spending about 500$ on a new laptop. Most browser games don't even use 5gb RAM. I spent 1,000$ on a Ultra Book for homework and gaming. For gaming the more RAM you have prevents lag and crashing. I recommend you buy from Toshiba because I bought my laptop last year and have never had a single problem with it. Just buy a laptop with 6-12GB of RAM so you don't experience any lag or crashes.