Is this wireless adapter OK?

I'm building a gaming computer for average demand games like Minecraft and I need a wireless adapter. I've found this one but I don't know if it's OK, or if it doesn't matter what adapter you use. Will it just plug into a USB port in my computer?

Added (1). **** off Silas, we don't need your spamming @$$ here on answers.

That will do the job, but it won't do it any better than

Whichever you get, first get Windows up and running, then plug in the adapter. Windows will find it and (eventually) load a driver. You'll then get the familiar pop-up asking you to select a network. Don't plug it in before you install Windows or it will be ignored.

Yes it will work just connect it and install the software that comes with the wireless adapter then set up the wireless connection to your wireless network. Any brand USB wireless adapter will work.