Is there a monkey typewriter simulator for windows?

I've been using Google (Can't use the word Googling as a verb, apparently) around for a while now, and I've only managed to find one for MAC operating systems. The original JavaScript shut down a while ago.

Can anyone supply me a link to one? (A small program that calculates millions of letters combined a second and calculates how long it takes for a word or string of letters to be entered if a monkey were to randomly enter keys)

P.S. Forget a monkey typing Shakespeare, imagine a monkey randomly typing the source code for Minecraft.

No, but I imagine you'd not really need to use a big PROGRAM to do this. Let me write one for you in JavaScript:
The issue of course is that the point of this exercise is that it's random. So you could get Really lucky and have a monkey type it perfectly the first time, or it could take much longer.
Basically, you'd have to assume that the monkeys have an equal chance of hitting any key. This means a minimum of 101 possible characters PER 'location'. So if my monkey wants to type the name Luke, for example, it has a 1/101 chance of typing a capital L, then another 1/101 chance of typing a lowercase 'u', and so on. For just the first two letters, that's a 1/10,201 chance of getting it right. In other words, if the monkey types at 60 wpm, with an average word length of 5.1 letters per word, that's 306 letters per minute, which means that it'd take him just over half an hour to type the string 'Lu' correctly if he just typed completely randomly.
Note that because of how JavaScript seems to handle Freaking Huge Numbers (tm), it will occasionally report just "It will take infinity seconds" for a string of a long enough length.