Is Pokemon considered a nerd game?

I'm 13 and I enjoy Pokemon a lot! At school many people just call it a "nerd-magnet" even compared to **** games like Minecraft (Yes, it's the game that Koreans with bull-cuts love). I also play Battlefield 1 and enjoy it too, so would Pokemon be considered as a nerd game?

No it's not a nerd game. I knew a man who played it until he died. Was just under 68 years old when he died.

Yes if you want it to be.
The game is almost as complex as chess and chess is a nerd game. Think about it. How many types of Pokémon are there: Fire, grass, water, ice, fighting, normal, electric, dragon, poison, ghost, bug, flying, dark, fairy, rock, psychic, ground, steel. I'm probably missing something. With different types come matchups. Water is weak against grass so when you go against a grass pokemon you want to use something strong against it. But then you got pokemon that ma be grass in nature but its moves are another element so you think you have an advantage but you don't.

Then there's the iv and ev (not to be confused with eevee) that lets you further customize it. If you want the very best you'll have to find it or breed for it. And you have to level it up to eliminate possibilities unless it's perfect

If it's a nerd game then a lot of people are nerds seeing how many people were playing pokemon go