Minecraft pixelmon - Can I take pokemon from my single player with me to servers?

I have shinies but I'm done with my single player and want to take them to servers. Is it possible? My brother joined a lan game of normal minecraft before and I think he had his inventory?

I'm pretty sure it can't be done unless you enter the game with forge glitching out xD I've tried joining a pixelmon server after training my shiny flagon to lvl 100 but it didn't transfer for me, and i started off with a regular starter… If I'm not wrong there might be a way to ransomer pixelmon pokemon through your own single player worlds but as for bringing it onto a server i don't think its possible

No, sorry. The Pokemon in your single-player world are bound to that specific world. You can't transfer them between worlds without modifying the actual world files with an external third-party program.