I'm bored at home in bed what should i do?

I'm bored and i already seen a bunch of youtube vids, i watched some movies, ate some food, listend to new music, i also been on tumblr and twitter, i feel like playing minecraft but i don't know, what should i do (computer wise cause its too cold to get outta bed)
Any fun websites or entertaining or any good movies? Funny youtube vids, anything!
Please help lol

Added (1). (if youre wondering why i'm home on a school day
1. I'm homeschooled and already finished my classes
2. Also i'm only 15 and its freezing out so its not like i can go anywhere

Try Omegle or WhatsApp for PC: http://www.techaudible.net/whatsapp-for-pc

You're home-schooled, you've finished your classwork and your mom or whoever is home-schooling you is just letting you waste time? This isn't a very good picture of home schooling. Learn to do something new, edit a video, write some poems, program your own game - or play on the computer for endless, empty hours and stay bored while your brain shrinks.

Improve your algebra, geometry, trigonometry and/or calculus ability (At the age of 15, I'm sure one of those can be improved).

You can search youtube for 'People are awesome'
Go to http://bomomo.com/ and draw something. It's interesting.
Whenever I get bored, I ask questions at Omegle. You can do that too.
Facebook Fail - http://www.reasonstohate.com/
Search youtube for 'Lion eating baby'
Search Google as https://www.google.com/search?q="most+popular"+site:lifehacker.com and read some interesting stuff.
Watch the BuzzFeedVideo channel on YouTube.

Edit: reasonstohate.com seems gone now. It was a website where you search for interesting phrases and see who on facebook written their status like that. For eg. "new number is".