I need a laptop, opinions please?

I'm looking to buy a laptop. I would mostly be using this for Microsoft Word the internet and some simple games like Minecraft. I won't be taking it anywhere too often, so size isn't a problem. What kind of laptops are good for this?

Well depending on your budget first. But best thing is an Alien ware laptop price is a little steep and then i'd say next in line is a Toshiba laptop
When checking for a model check for specifications like processor get a laptop with an intel i5 or an i7 also check for hard drive space minimum 500 gigabytes

Like rah said, depends on budget. For minecraft, being easy to run, you don't need anything above 600 bucks.
a gt 630 could run it easy. I don't recommend ANY intel graphics cards they suck monkey but. Any nvidia card should run mc nice n ez or an hd 6450 and above.

Try to buy new laptop and play minecraft game online at http://tryminecraftonlinefree.com