How would you know if you are addicted to minecraft?

How would you know if you are addicted to minecraft?

Added (1). If you panic because you wake up in the middle of the night and can't find your torch? If you try to mine yourself out of bed in the middle of the night? If you go out at night and look around for creepers and zombies?

Added (2). If you avoid staring at people out of fear they will teleport to you and try to kill you? If you avoid messing with silverfish out of fear there will be more of them in the walls.

Are you using needles?

If it were an ADDICTION, you would feel physical and emotional pain if you didn't play.

When someone tells you that you are. And you think they are wrong and that makes you aggressive.

If you find a game to play and you like it very much, it's not classed as addiction

If you want to play it all the time

Well, the definition of addiction is "The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma."

So the question is, if you're not playing Minecraft, does it start to hurt in some way? If so, you're addicted. Or, if you were told you couldn't play for a month, would that fill you with extreme dread, or would you just be disappointed? If it's the former, you're addicted.

Scientists have found that if you play video games 1-2 hours per day, it actually improves your mental cognition. However, if you play more than 2 hours, it starts to impair it. Everything in moderation.

What you explained isn't addiction, if you experience that then you have the inability to determine reality from fantasy, that isn't addiction, that is part of Schizophrenia.

Oh god yes daddy, you are.

No matter