How to use command blocks in Minecraft to teleport just one player?

Hey there guys and girls, I'm building a super smash bros. Melee map (I already have over half the roster and all the stages built), and I was wondering; how can you use command blocks to teleport just one player when they use an item? For example, I want a light charactor (let's say Mewtwo) to teleport up five blocks when that player right clicks with a firework star. (It can be any item, just an example) But so far I haven't found any tutorials on how to detect when a player right clicks with an item, or how to teleport just one player no matter how far away they are. Is this possible to accomplish in vanilla Minecraft?

You can use a map (empty) and get the id of a used map and continuously try to clear from players (but it can't detect a single player) but if your advanced enough you can use scoreboards to detect when a player (value = 0) uses a map (whwn they do the value = 1) then who ever has a value of 1 they get tped up # of blocks then it sets that players value to 0… Did you understand any of this? XD Hope you figure out how to do it.