How to take out animals in minecraft?

I play on a super-flat, creative, peaceful world, with no structures. I really like buildings and I hate it when stupid animals get in my way. I want a world with zero animals so i can just build my stuff. How do I do this?

I don't think you can, because I never tried it. There might be a command system that lets you do that, but I have not figured that out yet.

Also, the animals make good scenery, to make your buildings more lifelike, I don't know why you think they are so terrible. Unless if you want the land to be a dead world like the Earth was before at 13 Billion years ago or so, sure.

But that's all man.

You call thme

The only legitimate way to do this is to download 'Singleplayer Commands Mod'. Do '/killall' and voila! Not a soul!