How to speed up my slow internet?

My internet is really slow and it's hard to play Minecraft or watch videos on Youtube, I run at.34Mpbs download speed and 0.29Mbps upload speed. I'm not sure about switching or upgrading when it comes to ISP's, we only have two in my country and they are really expensive (See picture). Is there anyway that I can make my internet faster other than sacrificing so much? If it helps, my modem is a Motorola SBG900 and I pay for 512Kpbs with Provider #2.

Added (1). Forgot to insert the picture, here's the comparison of the ISP's
How to speed up my slow internet

Contact your isp and purchase a higher speed…

Your Internet speed is so low, that playing any game, even MC will be slow and painful. You need to buy a higher speed. You should have at least 4 to 6Mbps speed for online gaming.