How to promote my YouTube channel?

I have a gaming channel with my friend. We have 23 subscribers and I would like a little more. I want to do more with our account besides minecraft videos and would do completely commit if I knew people were actually watching my videos. I would like a free legal way to promote my channel.

Promote your channel on different popular youtube vids.

Use a promo site like

Get someone to share your videos on social media let your friends know about what your doing and eventually word will spread, people like watching people they know doing stuff thats interesting, plus your friends are probably into the same things you are

One word: Networking. The main way to grow your channel is networking… And being different. But mainly networking. Make friends on YouTube. I have a YouTube channel of my own, so I know a good amount. Talk to other YouTubers that have a decent amount of subscribers, and ask them to like your videos, comment and maybe even give you a shout-out. And be sure to return the favor. What I meant by being different is that think outside of the box, and go beyond what you would normally do. If you do commentaries, don't sound bored or unprofessional. And last of all, make sure your content looks and sounds professional. Feel free to check out my content, at <>.