Why do feminists constantly promote STEM fields onto girls (and women)?

Feminists constantly complain about not enough women being doctors, or scientists, and are trying to enforce these fields on other women. In my opinion, most women (or at least the ones that I know), never really liked science; not because anyone told them to, but because they have other interests (that are "intelligent" as well.) I for one, have always liked to build, build and build (buildings on "minecraft" (don't judge), and robotics, so I'm taking an engineering course, but that's only me (I'm a woman). There are women in this world who genuinely love STEM and are innovating and creative, but nothing is stopping them from getting careers, and many of them are successful. I think most women don't really have a passionate interest in science, but we do exist; I don't know why feminists are making a big deal out of nothing. Also, there are more girls in college than boys, so they shouldn't be complaining. I know I'm ranting right now, so the real question is shouldn't feminists focus on girls, in other parts of the world, that currently don't have any education?
Also, if feminists manage to get all women in STEM (while putting down boys), will there be rapid technological advancement.

I think they believe that women don't go into these fields because the stigma of it not being coincided "female jobs" What does it hurt to promote them. We can always use more diversity. If you don't want to go into those fields don't. Its a free country.

LA, so Western women should put up with bulls--- just because other women have it worse? I don't think so…

I have a cousin who's very much so a feminist and she also happens to be a doctor. She also harshly judges me for not going to an established University but a community college, and the fact that I chose to be a vet tech and not a doctor of lawyer or something.
She went to college when economy wasn't so bad, had rich parents and had a good relationship with her parents. The job market sucks right now, college is very expensive and I didn't qualify for any financial aid because my dad makes too much money. I also don't have a good relationship with either of my parents so I needed to get a career going fast.

She knows about all those factors and my feminist doctor cousin still judges me harshly. She won't even talk to me on Facebook.

Because so many women pick useless degree majors that wind them up in a huge amount of debt that they have to work to pay off but given the current economic conditions in America people can't find jobs right out of college

it doesn't matter about passion you have to look at reality