How to hatch an ender dragon egg on minecraft x box edition?

It is hard

You're not able to YET. Mojang will enable it soon.

Don't think you can yet, but you can collect the egg in to your inventory by activating a piston at it

You can't it's just a troll item because you would think that you can hatch it but it just teleports when you click on it
It doesn't work in furnaces either

You can't hatch the egg. At this time it is solely a decoration block. If you want to collect it to break it you need to do this:

1. Dig a shaft next to the egg, you need to be at least two blocks down. Do *not* break the blocks directly under the egg.
2. Break a block at least two blocks below the egg and place a torch there.
3. Break all the blocks between the torch and the egg. Make sure you break them from the torch up.

The egg will then fall onto the torch and be converted into a block you can pick-up and place.