How many minecraft accounts can you have?

I'm just wondering if there's a limit to the amount of accounts per ip/address. I managed to buy 4 but now it keeps coming up with error:/

4 what are you 6

There's no set limit for the number off Minecraft accounts you may have on any given IP address, as each account must contain a unique e-mail address & accounts are not constrained to any IP address.

Most 3rd party servers (those not managed by Mojang / Microsoft) tend to frown upon having multiple accounts from a single IP address, mostly for administrative reasons since the staff can't properly ascertain if the various accounts are legitimate unique users OR clone accounts of one user. Therefore, if one user from that IP address breaks the rules that results in a ban, they may issue an IP ban as a precautionary measure… Even if it means that innocent users get banned in the process in order to ensure the user in question can't re-enter the server.

If you're having problems purchasing a new account, please contact Mojang for assistance.